Obituary of George Phillip
George will be lovingly remembered as the:
Son of Elsa & Fitzroy Phillip
Husband of Donna Phillip
Father of Stasha, Clearus and Darius
Father in law of Trevor and Carla
Grandfather of Nathaniel, Sebatian and Bryce
Brother of Umroy, Arlene, Hazel, Annette, Eugene, Diane, Cherylann, Curlette
Nephew of Trevor, Marlene and many others
Uncle of Rachel, Dinel, Kerron, Bevon, Shianne, and (18) others
Son-in-law of Steve, Lystra, and (6) others
Cousin-in-law Cherrie, Janet and many others
Relative of The Andrews, Phillp and Alvarez family
Friends of Curtis, Cuffy, Manning, Selwyn, N.G.C staff and many others