Obituary of Dexter Peter Greenidge
Dexter will be lovingly remembered as the:
Husband of Elizabeth Greenidge
Father of Field and Steve Greenidge
Son of Gloria Greenidge-Alexander and the late Bobby Cooper
Grandfather of Chayeene
Brother of Calvin and Ian Cooper
Nephew of Monica, Sharon, Hazel, Brenda, Marina, Merle, Christine, Angela, Cynthia, Gary, Junior, Michael and Dennis
Cousin of Betty, Percy, Keiron, Lorna, Ronnie and many others
Relative of The Rogers, Charles, Simonette, Greenidge, Cooper families and many others
Friend of Gemma Pierre, Anslin Henry, Ashton Henry, Lyris, Sennette, Angela Garry, Karen, Priest, Theresa De Fount, the Sorillo, Phillip families and many others